onsdag 16. desember 2015

3 years after Sandy Hook, some Newtown families cope through quiet activism

Kindness is important, especially in situation where revenge would be a likely response.

The new normal has settled into day-to-day life for the families of Sandy Hook’s victims in different ways. For some, the tragedy has sparked intense activism and advocacy to promote stricter gun control laws. It isn’t only gun control advocacy that has helped those in the community move forward, though. Some honor their loved ones in private, while others have found purpose by creating small, quieter movements. After the incident in Newtown, people around the country were encouraged to perform 26 acts of kindness to honor the lives of the 26 people who were killed. The idea endures three years later.
Life will never truly be back to normal for people who are impacted by these types of acts of mass violence. There will be a new normal. Recovery can take years, or it can take a lifetime.
Jamie Aten, co-founder of the Humanitarian Disaster Institute at Wheaton College in Illinois
Joel and Joanne Bacon, father and mother of Charlotte, a 6-year-old who was killed in the shooting, took kindness advocacy one step further. They head up the organization Charlotte’s Litter, which pays homage to their animal-loving daughter. The mission of the program is to advocate and support therapy-dog programs by connecting those in need with resources. The Bacon family themselves received support through comfort and therapy dogs after the Newtown shooting. "A big part of the healing process is finding purpose in helping others,“ says Jamie Aten, co-founder of the Humanitarian Disaster Institute at Wheaton College in Illinois.

You find the whole article on this site

tirsdag 16. juni 2015

Three stories of random acts of kindness

Kindness stories 

Unexpected Help

Submitted by susan pritchett from jacksonville, florida
My husband and I own a small business. We were on the way home after working and found ourselves stranded with a small leak in our cars radiator. We suddenly saw a truck stop and a young man offered his help. Without hesitation he hopped back in his truck and went to buy several gallons of water. He returned quickly and said simply "you're welcome... it's good karma to help" The next day was Mothers Day and I said an unspoken thank you to an unknown Mother for raising a wonderful son.

I received kindness at Jackson Square and passed it on

Submitted by B Lynn from Hamilton, Ontario.
Today, I was in Nations food market in Jackson Square and put together a mix of food from the buffet. I didn't realize my VISA card wouldn't work, they only take cash or debit. While sorting out this confusing situation at the cashier, the man behind me handed the cashier twenty dollars to pay for me. I was shocked, I intended to find a cash machine and come back but he insisted. I tried to give him my Tim Hortons gift card that had about $20 left on it, but he wouldn't take it.
I was overcome with emotion and started to cry. I said thank you and God Bless you and left, sobbing. I found a cash machine and took out cash and went back to find him, but he was gone.
All I know is he was buying frozen tiger shrimp and some sort of soup bones.
I had to pay this forward so I found a homeless man, not hard in the downtown area, and told him someone paid for my lunch so this (a $20 bill) was for him, and he said thank you and God Bless you. Then I really broke up.
I've given in small ways before but this face to face to face interaction was the most moving heart expanding experiences I've ever had.

Smiling walking lady

Submitted by Stacy Keast from Lincolnshire, UK 
Every morning when I drive to work, I see an older women " possibly late 60s -70s" walk up the hill with a massive smile. She makes me smile everyday. So, today I decided to buy her a small gift and write a little card out "so she could fit it in her pocket whilst on her walk".
I stopped the car this morning and got out to give her the gift and card. I explained that for months she made me smile every morning and I wanted to make her smile for once. I learnt the lovely walking lady walked everyday due to her diabetes.... Oh bless her! She gave me a lovely hug and thank you. Itafe me feel so good, I cried with happiness all the way to work. 