søndag 3. august 2014


Intervju med deathcrush
"Snillhet er å tenke meir på andre enn seg sjølv"

Heimesida til deathcrush

tirsdag 29. juli 2014

torsdag 10. juli 2014

People innovating and helping others at the same time

The Top Five Kindness Finalists 
After a mission trip to Africa, Emma was inspired to created a shoe drive to help fund clean water initiatives. Quenching Souls has not only collected more than 80,000 pairs of shoes, but has kept 40 tons of shoes out of landfills.  The proceeds have funded clean water for 37 communities around the world.

At 16 years old, Valerie Weisler is already achieving phenomenal things. Her non-profit, The Validation Project, helps teens use their unique talents to change the world for the better. “It’s incredible and amazing to be who you are and to do what you love to do,” shares Valerie. To date, Valerie has worked with more than five thousand young people and raised more than $250,000 worth of items for people in need.

Inspired by the death of a classmate, killed by another driver who was texting, Matthew and his brother set out to educate their own school about the dangers of texting and driving – a top killer of teens in the United States. This led to a bigger mission – teach every teen in the state of Massachusetts to stop distracted driving. In just 18 months, Matthew has reached 70,000 teens and counting.

Jessica Levy wanted to get her whole community involved in and celebrating service. So, she and her high school Students In Action team initiated a service week and recognition gala.  Their impact?  A doubling of service hours in Washington Township, NJ, thousands of letters sent to veterans and thousands of dollars for veterans, seniors, and locals with life-threatening illnesses.  In Jessica’s words, “The Celebration of Service Gala brought commitment to community service and pride in helping others to an entirely new level throughout our entire town. We see ourselves differently now.”
At age 11, Sierra dedicated herself to raising money and awareness for Forgotten Cats (FC), a cat rescue operating in DE, PA, MD, and NJ. Sierra’s non-profit, Autumn Leaf Fundraisers knits, crochets, sews, weaves and makes jewelry, sells the items and donates 100% of the proceeds to Forgotten Cats.  Over the last five years, Sierra’s efforts have provided medical care to 6,300 cats.

After seeing a homeless man and telling his mother he wanted to help, this then-4 year old created an organization to collect and donate healthy food to those in need.  Now age 13, Joshua has gotten 600,000 pounds of food donated, has served 120,000 meals, raised over $350,000 and has taught countless low income families how to prepare a healthy meal, how to eat more vegetables and fruits in their diets.


After helping to care for his great-grandmother with Alzheimer’s, this entrepreneurial young inventor wanted to make a difference – so he designed a a line of therapeutic puzzles made specifically to meet the needs of Alzheimer’s patients. Max was 11.  At age 17, Max’s puzzles have been adopted by Springbok, has gotten more than 30,000 therapeutic puzzles to Alzheimer’s sufferers and facilities and has impacted over 200,000 lives.

Adan Gonzalez never stops.  He has three jobs to help support his family of seven. He is the U.S. Intercollegiate Boxing Champion.  He is a student at Georgetown University.  And he founded the Si Se Puede Network to help disadvantaged students pursue the dream of college.  This young man has helped more than 100,000 students and their parents become educated about scholarships and the importance of higher education.  “I’ve learned that with the opportunities I receive, I’m able to create more opportunities for others. That was the whole point of the Si Se Puede Network. I’m no longer this poor Mexican kid with dreams. I’m a Georgetown student with goals.”

søndag 8. juni 2014

Intervju med Christine Guldbrandsen

Intervjuet under er fra Christine Guldbrandsen.

1. Har du gjort noe snilt mot noen de siste tre ukene? 
Dette spørsmålet fikk meg til å tenke å jeg må ærlig innrømme at jeg synes er vanskelig å komme på noe konkret. Jeg prøver hele tiden å gjøre ting for andre i hverdagen som jeg vet de setter pris på, som f.eks ta en hyggelig telefonsamtale til familie og venner.  Jeg er mye på reise og er ikke så mye fysisk tilstede alltid og da er slike ting veldig fint. 

2. Isåfall, hvordan kjentes det? 

Generelt så er jeg veldig glad i å hjelpe andre, og det føles alltid 
bra. Det jeg liker best med det er for se gleden det gir dem, og 
det gjør gir meg mye .Jeg føler at jeg gjør noe nyttig som 
overhodet ikke handler om meg og mitt.  

3. Har noen gjort noe snilt mot DEG de siste tre ukene? 

Jeg er så heldig at jeg er omringet av masse fine folk og vi gjør ting for hverandre og hjelper hverandre hele tiden, noe jeg setter veldig pris på. En venninne av meg kom å laget middag til meg her om dagen da jeg har jobbet enormt mye i det siste og min mann var på reise, så hun disket opp med en herlig rett og vi fikk sjansen til å slå av en prat ansikt til ansikt. Dette satte jeg enormt pris på og den dårlige samvittigheten for at jeg ikke rekker over alt og alle hele tiden slapp litt taket en liten stund.

Mvh Christine Guldbrandsen

Kjenner du noen som burde vært intervjuet? Ta kontakt på forfreepsychology@gmail.com

lørdag 31. mai 2014

Kindness in Copenhagen 2

Some problems with the sound in the start, but gets better after a while. Just turn the sound up an extra notch at the beginning

onsdag 7. mai 2014

Kindness in Copenhagen

When I was in Copenhagen, I went around and interviewed people I met about Kindness. This man is from Switzerland, and he was happy to answer some questions about kindness. The video is a bit unsteady (will work on that) but I hope people get the essence of it! Have a wonderful (kind) day!

søndag 16. mars 2014

Den største gleda


Vann konkurranse, gav tv til barneavdelinga

Då Oddlaug Fonn Skaar vann ein julekonkurranse, tenkte ho på barneavdelinga ved Førde sentralsjukehus. ​Slikt blir det ny flatskjerm og DVD-spelar av. 
I adventstida hadde Sogn og Fjordane Energiverk (SFE) ein kalenderkonkurranse. Førstepremien vann Oddlaug Fonn Skaar frå Breim, som dermed fekk fem tusen kroner som ho kunne gje vidare til ei valfri god sak i Sogn og Fjordane.

Valet hennar fall på barneavdelinga, som tysdag fekk overlevert ein ny flatskjerm, DVD-spelar, naudsynte kablar og ein solid bunke barnefilmar.
- Vi er veldig glade for at Oddlaug tenkte på oss, og valde å gje premien til barneavdelinga her, sa konstituert seksjonsleiar på avdelinga, Jorunn Sollid, då ho og kollegane fekk gåva overrekt tysdag føremiddag.
Dei fleste av enkeltromma på avdelinga har allereie tv, medan fleirsengsromma ikkje har.

Takksam tv-donor

- Dette er blant anna fordi det ofte ikkje passar for alle at det står ein tv på i desse romma. Men no plasserer vi den nye tv'en på eit trillebord, slik at vi kan trille den inn og ut på desse romma ettersom det høver, seier Sollid.

Vinnar Oddlaug Fonn Skaar var ikkje til stades under overleveringa av gåva, men seier til SFE at ho gler seg over å kunne bidra til at barn får det litt betre under sjukehusopphaldet:
- Eg vart med i konkurransen fordi eg likte bodskapen med «den største gleda ein kan ha er å gjere andre glad». Og at det var akkurat eg som fekk moglegheita til å glede andre,​ gjer meg veldig takksam, seier den glade vinnaren. 

Opprettet: 11.03.2014 11:25 av Marifjæren, Per
Sist endret: 11.03.2014 11:58 av Marifjæren, Per

lørdag 8. mars 2014

Kindness to a stranger. 1

Mitt nye prosjekt, er å intervjue folk om snillhet og legge desse intervjua ut på bloggen.

Videoen som følger, er fra ei omsorgsfull kvinne fra Sunnfjord. Kanskje du blir inspirert?

tirsdag 4. februar 2014

Becky`s random acts of kindness

Monday, January 13, 2014

Random Acts of Kindness

Have you received any random acts of kindness lately? Have you thought about doing any random acts of kindness?

"When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace."                                       The 14th Dalai Lama (1935)

Random Acts of Kindness I have Done:
-Sent flowers to friends after they had a hard week, cancer in their family, men troubles
-Smile, even if I don't always feel like it. It is not their fault if I am having a bad moment, just a simple smile can in turn remind others to smile
This beautiful girl is determined to do
something good for others

-Hold the door whenever I can, especially for mom's with young children & the elderly
-Send hand written cards & notes to my friends every few months. Whether they are old friends, new friends, or someone I haven't spoken to in ages. Everyone loves a hand written card & it always brightens their day!

-Send an encouragement email or note. If someone I know is struggling, but I know they are super strong in other areas of their life. I remind them of their strong suits & how proud I am for an accomplishment they have done. 

- Remember friends birthdays & send a hand written birthday card

...and these are just a few of the ones I can think of off the top of my head. 
Random Acts of Kindness that have Happened to Me

One of my coworkers is amazing, he is always there with a smile & a hug. Once in awhile, he brings homemade delicious treats out of the blue, healthy snacks and always gives encouragement when my husband is away for travel. This man is like an extra dad to me. I am very thankful for his kindness.

Smiles- When I see others smiling, I in turn remember to smile even bigger. I have been told many times that my smile is contagious. Must be my big dimples! 

Recently, I went out to lunch with a friend. After we were finished eating, we were told by our waiter that another waitress had paid for our lunch. Even though we only had soup for lunch, a huge smile was brought to my face to think that someone would do that for us. 

How I Feel when I Do them & Receive them...
I absolutely LOVE doing random acts of kindness. When I get the phone call, text or email that someone has received the package or card I sent, my heart just smiles! When I see someone smile in return to an act of kindness, it makes me feel so good inside. I just love to help others & make people smile. I think it comes from my grandmother. She told me a few months ago how proud she was of me & how I was turning into such a wonderful woman, mother, hostess, caregiver. These words still resonate in me and I felt so proud to hear it from my grandmother. She is one of the most amazing women I know and is such a huge influence on my life. For as long as I can remember, she has never stopped doing things for others, helping at church groups, sewing & crafting for Maria Missions, making desserts & goodies for someone that needs extra cheer and just always cheerful with a smile on her face. I am proud to be following in my mother & grandmothers footsteps not only in crafting, but also in remembering to think of others!

I feel just as much joy when I receive them. I am reminded why I do them and why I should continue!  

I encourage YOU to try to do one random act of kindness this week! Whether it be: helping someone at the grocery store when you can tell that they are struggling, helping a neighbor with an outside chore, bringing someone a treat that you think needs some cheer, hold the door for a stranger, send a letter to a soldier, the possibilities are endless!  You will feel great & want to continue each week!

Get your children involved, it is amazing how much our children LOVE to make others smile & feel joy.

Just these SMALL, TINY gestures go so far. I don't even think people realize how much it can make someone's day, week, month or even year. It really goes a long way. 

Thank you so much for reading & remember to smile, that is an act of kindness we can do EVERY DAY!

Choose Happyx

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